Core Value Activities
Find ten common things
Objectives: Ice Breaking and communication linkage
Materials: Paper and a pen
Instructions to Team:
o Find ten things that you have in common with the other participants in your group. You can not use the body part and clothing as one of the common things. You will have 5 minutes. At last, one of the team members read the common list.
Objectives: Effective communicate
Materials: None
Instructions to Team:
o Original telephone game. All team members line up as you want. The coach whispers a phrase to the first kid, and the first kid whispering the phrase in the ear of the next team member. This continues until the phrase reaches the very last person. He/She announce the phrase.
o Extended telephone game. All team members line up as you want. The coach let the first kids see a word. The kid trying to act it out to the next kid without any words. This continues until the action reaches the very last person. He/She guess the thing.
Hat passing
Objectives: Exercise creative thinking. Work together to develop a plan. Trust teammates.
Materials: Hat
Instructions to Team:
o Leave the hat on a table or start it on one student’s head. Everyone must wear the hat at some point during the activity. You cannot use your hands to touch the hat at any time. Get creative! Also, you have 5 minutes.
Birthday Order
Objectives: Finding alternative ways to communicate
Materials: None
Instructions to Team:
o Line up in order of your birthday (Month and Day). No one can talk. Zip up your mouth. You have 5 minutes.
Building the highest tower
Objectives: Hand-on building. Positive attitude toward the challenge.
Materials: Copy paper, tape, and scissors
Instructions to Team:
o Using the A4 copy paper and the tape to build the highest structure or tower within five minutes.
o What if we change the copy paper to newspaper or index card?