Robot Project

This is a map of our robot game plan. Please refer to the key above the map for the color code.

Our main structure is very stable. We use many O-frame pieces to form an interlocking structure that makes the robot very stable.
●Front part: drive chains and sensors,
●Back part: medium motors and the EV3 brick
●Middle: large motors and the wheels
We transferred the power from the medium motors to the front. Now, what was it all for? We made a design to let the motor power flow to the attachments, using dog gears. The attachment has a special base structure to easily slide it on and so it will actually work. At the very back, you can see some O-frames, which is the base for every attachment.

Efficient torque transfer
We were able to transfer the energy from the medium motors in the back to the gears in the front and saving the maximum amount of torque possible.

●The robot is designed so there is a face when looked at from the front or back.
●One of the models of our robot is named BeeBot since the robot is mainly composed of yellow and black pieces